
本文内容以关键词A Heatwave from Beneath the Earth为核心展开讲解,通过阅读本文你将充分了解关于what lies beneath the earth、the earth rises from the east、the earth turns east的相关问题。

  1. what lies beneath the earth
  2. the earth rises from the east
  3. the earth turns east

what lies beneath the earth

Lies 上单,靠近,谎言


True Lies 真实的谎言,魔鬼大帝

Body of Lies 谎言之躯,叛谍同谋

Secrets and Lies 秘密与谎言

House of Lies 谎言满屋,花言巧语

Wartime Lies 战时谎言,战争谎言

What Lies Beneath 危机四伏,谎言之下

The Book of Lies 谎言之书

Sweet Little Lies 甜蜜小谎言

Tell lies 撒谎,说谎

the earth rises from the east

the sun rises in the east and sets in the west



1.The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.


2.The sun rises every day from the East and sets in the west.


3.My teacher said just now that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


the earth turns east


“东方”的英文全称:east ,读法:英 [iːst] 美 [ist] 


1、n. 东方;东风;东方国家

2、adj. 东方的;向东的;从东方来的

3、adv. 向东方,在东方

4、n. (East)人名;(英)伊斯特

常见词组:East Point东角 

Near East近东

East Francia东法兰克

East Jerusalem东耶路撒冷 


1、The earth turns round from west to east.




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3.《A Heatwave from Beneath the Earth(what lies beneath the earth)》是哪些演员主演的?

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